Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Can we trust people to be good?

I think that if a group of people are stranded on an island with no threats, then I still think they would not survive. They have each other to fear. Plus, just because they HAVE food, doesn't mean they know where or what it is. A person could possibly go mentally insane permanently if they have to live with the same people for a long enough period of time. Also, if they begin to argue, they will be mad, and be angry, and then they will start to hurt each other possibly. Those wounds could, by some chance, give someone infections or make them bleed out. This could obviously lead to death. They would end up killing each other even though they have all the food and water they need! So to answer the question "can we trust people to be good", my answer is...No. I don't think we can trust people to be good on their own, especially 6-12 year olds. Since, in this case, they are not as mature as other people. They don't have much care for others' values, and do not know that much about the outside world probably. Although there are no living threats on the island, there are other threats such as lack of shelter, climate, drowning, and mosquitoes. Of course, I am thinking "worst-case-scenario", but you never know what will happen.

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